Women in Church: submission or equality? Priest Daniel Sysoev / Женщины в Церкви: подчинение или равенство? Священник Даниил Сысоев

120 ₽ 150 ₽

Is there any point in submission without love? What is God’s plan for the submission of wives to their husbands? And Who is the head of the husband? The apostle Paul teaches that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the head of the family. In the family the husband learns from Christ, and the pious wife gladly obeys this kind of hus­band. Is this how things are in our own families?
This book is dedicated to all those who seek the ideal of a happy family life.

Артикул: 22386
Наличие: Есть в наличии

Is there any point in submission without love? What is God’s plan for the submission of wives to their husbands? And Who is the head of the husband? The apostle Paul teaches that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the head of the family. In the family the husband learns from Christ, and the pious wife gladly obeys this kind of hus­band. Is this how things are in our own families?
This book is dedicated to all those who seek the ideal of a happy family life.


What Does It Mean to “Imitate Christ”?
The Woman Question
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
The Traitor at the Table of God
The Price of Life
When Am I Prepared for Holy Communion?
The Consequences of Communing Unworthily

ISBN: 978-5-4279-065-4
Автор: Priest Daniel Sysoev/Священник Даниил Сысоев
Бумага: офсет
Вес: 140 г
Год издания: 2016
Гриф: 15-505-0293
Издательство: Moscow, Rev. Daniel Sysoyev Missionary Center Benevolent Fund/БФ им. Священника Даниила Сысоева
Количество страниц: 112
Переплет: интегрированный
Размер книги: 118 х 171 х 7 мм
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