How can I learn God's will? Priest Daniel Sysoev / Как узнать волю Божию? Священник Даниил Сысоев

52 ₽ 65 ₽

The question of how to learn God’s will is one of the most important in a person’s life. God’s will is the most accurate and precise measure of our actions. If a person acts according to his own will instead of God’s, he may err and become doomed to a life of wandering in the darkness of this world. Many people think that only great, pious ascetics are capable of learning God’s will, and that it is inaccessible for an ordinary Christian.
The author demonstrates how, as His chosen people progressed in their training, God manifested His love, revealing His names, and thereby renewing His relationship with man and revealing to him His good and perfect will.
This book will help to attune the mind to the proper understanding of the Creator’s intent for each of us. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth (Hosea 6:3).

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The question of how to learn God’s will is one of the most important in a person’s life. God’s will is the most accurate and precise measure of our actions. If a person acts according to his own will instead of God’s, he may err and become doomed to a life of wandering in the darkness of this world. Many people think that only great, pious ascetics are capable of learning God’s will, and that it is inaccessible for an ordinary Christian.
The author demonstrates how, as His chosen people progressed in their training, God manifested His love, revealing His names, and thereby renewing His relationship with man and revealing to him His good and perfect will.
This book will help to attune the mind to the proper understanding of the Creator’s intent for each of us. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth (Hosea 6:3).


God’s Love and Its Gifts
The Path to Divine Love
Understanding Divine Love

The Meaning and Significance of Names
Heretical and Irreligious Understandings of Names
The Biblical Meaning of Names
How Can a Person Learn the Names of God?
We Learn to Know God by Grace
The Names of God Who Gives Life
The Names of the All-wise God
Other Names of God
Anthropomorphism in Holy Scripture
Prayerful Contemplation of the Divine Names

Kveryone Must Know the Creator’s Will
rite Properties of God’s Will
Why Do We Need God’s Will?
I low is God’s Will Manifested?
Recognizing God’s Will Through Holy Scripture
I low Are We to Learn God’s Will Where Holy Scripture Is Silent?
Other Ways of Discovering God’s Will
Practical Advice
What is Incompatible with the Understanding of God’s will?
How to Determine God’s Will in Various Circumstances

ISBN: 978-5-4279-0224-9
Автор: Priest Daniel Sysoev/Священник Даниил Сысоев
Бумага: офсет
Вес: 115 г
Год издания: 2015
Гриф: 12-201-0052
Издательство: Moscow, Rev. Daniel Sysoyev Missionary Center Benevolent Fund/БФ им. Священника Даниила Сысоева
Количество страниц: 90
Переплет: мягкий, ламинат
Размер книги: 115 х 165 х 5 мм
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